Stop being such a joke.
I wish you were non-existent.
All we need in the world is love.
Still, we gotta find the right one.
We can sense it, we can feel it.
We can get over the wrong kind of love we've experienced, we just don't deserve it.
We deserve better.
On the other note, can you understand me?
Give me your heart and I will give you yours, we will take care of each others' heart well until we find someone right.
maybe we are meant for each other, but we will never know.
oh glee!
Friday, June 18, 2010 @ 9:52 AM
Three awesome things are happening ask we speak:
I'm so happy right now:D My Aunt has the whole season(yes, including the new half) of GLEE downloaded in a CD, no adverts or commercials to interrupt!!! (Thank you awesome friend of my Aunt who gave her that sacred disk:D)When we went to visit her, she happened to be watching the last episode(a few episodes away from the one I just watched). Jesse's back with Vocal Adrenaline now...:( But thank goodness he wasn't befriending Rachel to sabotage her. She found her real mum!! And Quinn had her pretty little baby. Right now Channel 5's showing ep 2. I watched it on Wednesday night. Compared to what's coming in the next 10 episodes, it was nothing.
My dad's coming home next Friday!!! Whoopee!! Okay, just an update for you, he went to the Phillipines for a business trip on June 7th and he'll be back on the 25th! That's barely 3 weeks!(as compared to the last time when he had to go for 6 months)Miss him big time. He promised he was gonna take us to see this water puppet show on the 27th at the huge reservoir near our house. Apparently Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is gonna be there.(my english teacher says we can't just call him by name or with Mr, it has to be with PM) :]
Greatest news of this week, me and --- --- are now friends again. Really, I was feeling super tired of all our arguing on Tuesday and I really wanted to sms her to ask her to be friends again. But I admit, I was kinda half-hearted cos I didn't have enough guts. (but seriously, would you have enough guts to do that?) Then again, I'm just another scaredy-cat. Well, I held it off until today and guess who called minutes ago? --- --- herself! So, to cut things short, we're friends again:]
Hmm...Karate Kid is still in Cinemas till next Wednesday...I should go catch it. (Jaden Smith is sooo cute!! but he's 12) Kudos to him for making his big break, especially with such a big star like Jackie Chan by his side in the movie. His parents must be so proud. Wish I had enough guts to even step into the audition rooms for anything.
Oh, I better get going now. Work load is piling up. Gahhhhh!
You know I'm awesome.
I am Taylor♥
I am a 14 year-old, trombone-playing, book-reading, school-going, homework-doing, facebook-ing, candy-loving, fishball-ing teenager♥
I am a student at this magical school with magical people where magical things happen♥
I am full of nonsense and every other synonym of that word♥
I am unique because I am Taylor and that's who I am♥