Stop being such a joke.
I wish you were non-existent.

All we need in the world is love.
Still, we gotta find the right one.
We can sense it, we can feel it.
We can get over the wrong kind of love we've experienced, we just don't deserve it.
We deserve better.
On the other note, can you understand me?
Give me your heart and I will give you yours, we will take care of each others' heart well until we find someone right.
maybe we are meant for each other, but we will never know.

Sorry Honey It's Thursday
Thursday, May 27, 2010 @ 9:07 PM
But, hey, at least it finally the end of term. OMG I have waited ages for this day to come. Anyway, here's a fill in of what's been going on these days:
Tuesday:Stayed back in school for CIP, around 3 and a half hours...helped band teachers do stock checking. For the first one hour no teachers came, so I learnt the Percussion part for the Timpani for Persis. OMG its super cool. Still cannot get the hang of the snare drum roll. Haiz. Oh, best of all, Mrs Tan said we could have the one hour we spent fooling around as CIP too cos we were the nice people who stayed back on a non-band day to help:D
Wrote my Lit Poem: Best Friends(thats the title). Its about friendship anding and sad stuff like that. No guesses for who I wrote that one about.(No not you silly, HER!!!)
Wednesday:Read this totally cool book 'The Guy Next Door' during TOP period. (I still have no clue what that stands for, and neither do any of the prefects or PSLs) (and you'd think they'd know cos they
are pupil leaders:D) We were supposed to be paiting little wooden people for the Slovenians and stuff, but...Mr Chai, our form teacher, forgot to tell us to bring paints. Haha:D Lucky me, I got to read the book.
Band. Mr Goh didn't turn up, sadly. We played Persis and March Blue Sky. Han Chien and Jiraksa came for fun. March Blue Sky gave me mouth aches.
Today:Maths, total drag. Mrs Chia is out sick/doing some operation and she was absent the whole week. Poor her. We miss her ever so much. PE: Ahhh....weight training. It loooks ever so easy when Ms Poon does it, she's so super macho. Can you believe she said the max weight an average person can lift is at least twice our body mass!! I have trouble lifting 3.8kg and she wants me to lift what...1ookg? Purr-lease, like that's ever gonna happen. I don't know how those people who take part in the Olympics do it, especially the girls. Kudos to them. Saw the male teachers playing soccer on the Basketball court around 4.30pm. Haha, its nice to see your teachers let loose once in a while. They deserve it:D Just finished reading 'What I Saw and How I Lied', wonderful book about deceit and lies, mystery and love.
Okayy lets just say, the weirdest ever things can happen to erm, losing my Science worksheets cos I left them in a Magazine and my dad returned it to the library? Long story. Haiz, my bros had this level outing to Pasir Ris park. They were super thrilled till Tristan found out he had to wear some super duper embaressing protective gear or else he couldn't cycle. (he didn't in the end and now has a long thin cut above his knee. If only he wore the kneeguard...) Nathan's class couldn't even go and play or walk around: punishment for bad SA1 results. Anti-climax.
Bahhh.....HECTIC HOLIDAYS are not exactly the best kind, but what the heck right? Oh yeahh, gotta go, gonna watch 'Down With Love',
JERRY YAN is sooooo hot!!!
You know I'm awesome.

I am Taylor♥
I am a 14 year-old, trombone-playing, book-reading, school-going, homework-doing, facebook-ing, candy-loving, fishball-ing teenager♥
I am a student at this magical school with magical people where magical things happen♥
I am full of nonsense and every other synonym of that word♥
I am unique because I am Taylor and that's who I am♥