Stop being such a joke.
I wish you were non-existent.
All we need in the world is love.
Still, we gotta find the right one.
We can sense it, we can feel it.
We can get over the wrong kind of love we've experienced, we just don't deserve it.
We deserve better.
On the other note, can you understand me?
Give me your heart and I will give you yours, we will take care of each others' heart well until we find someone right.
maybe we are meant for each other, but we will never know.
Complaints of All Sorts:)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 @ 7:18 PM
Hey people! Okayy, as usual, its been like yonds since I last posted, but hey, who's counting? I have been readig(teehee) this awesome book called "The Life(stroked out and 'murder is written on top of it) of Bindy Mackenzie", so its actually "The Life/Murder of Bindy Mackenzie". And I don't wanna give out spoilers in case any of you all s gonna read it, but FYI, whatever's coming(in the book), you so will not expect it!
Okayy, complain time:
-My ulcer on my lower lip hurts like crap! OMG everything that touches it(whether cold or hot, sweet or spicy) makes it hurt soooo bad that I have to squeeze whatever I'm holding till the pain is over. Someday whatever I'm holding will just explode. Poor whatever I'm holding. Maybe I should tie a sponge to my wrist so when it hurts, I grab. Top 3 things I grab when it hurts: Water bottle, tub of cold water from fridge and my cup. (3 things I drink out of) Don't worry, I pour from the tub into my mouth, not sip from the spout of the tub.
-OMG why am I so dumb!! I have been flunking left right and centre!!(exaggeration) Why does everyone beat me?!(exaggeration again)
-Whoops, I totally forgot most of my complaints cos i went for dinner and forgot(like I usually do). I think its Purple Band Tee tomorrow, must double check, may be wrong(as usual)
>My evaluations:
-Number 1: The residents in Sennet Estate are always late and blame it on our traffic.
-Number 2: The school just wants us to exercise more cos they see more and more round people like me getting into Cedar
-Number 3: Its for the reason they gave us.
No offence to anyone:D I think its number 3. Haiz....
-Justin Bieber sounds girly, but I looooove his song "One Less Lonely Girl". If only I could master it on the guitar by end of this term for the gaded performance...haizzz
-Chinese Spelling?!!! OMG why?
-Yvette's sick-mindedness is rubbing off on the class, even on the most innocent of 2M-ers!! Maybe its just puberty!
My non-complaints:
-Mr Chai made SEL class sooooo fun and enjoyable. His versions of unlistening(non-passive listening and non-active listening in Mr Chai's vocab) were soooo hilarious! A bit fake, but hilarious.
-I have a nice mortal. I shall not put her name here, but she's super nice. (scared that she may find out my identity behind my angel disguise)
-I had herbal chicken for dinner(OMG it was sooo moist and juicy-Yvette, no gross remarks please)
Bascally life has been okayy except for the @#$!^ who stole my dad's Bonzai(which fell out the window and the plant majically disappeared, leaving soil and the pot) and the @#$!* who stole my bros jacket which was left in the loo. OMG why are Singaporeans so greedy? (not all, just the greedy kind)
Whtever it is, I'm gonna write to my mortal now. Thinking of setting up a blog just for the 2 of us to communicate. A private one. I'll just be known as ANGEL and she'll be ******:D
{♥}Taylorrrrr:) aka Purple Flamingo
You know I'm awesome.
I am Taylor♥
I am a 14 year-old, trombone-playing, book-reading, school-going, homework-doing, facebook-ing, candy-loving, fishball-ing teenager♥
I am a student at this magical school with magical people where magical things happen♥
I am full of nonsense and every other synonym of that word♥
I am unique because I am Taylor and that's who I am♥