Stop being such a joke.
I wish you were non-existent.

All we need in the world is love.
Still, we gotta find the right one.
We can sense it, we can feel it.
We can get over the wrong kind of love we've experienced, we just don't deserve it.
We deserve better.
On the other note, can you understand me?
Give me your heart and I will give you yours, we will take care of each others' heart well until we find someone right.
maybe we are meant for each other, but we will never know.
Thursday, June 25, 2009 @ 8:53 PM
Hey its me: the Totally Amazingly Youthfully Likeablely Outstandingly REAL Taylor...Yup, I'm real! Geez it sure took you a long time to figure out :p Anyway, I should be done with my work soon. (I'd better be) Poor little Carolyn was sick from Tuesday till today, or is it just a pretense to get out of Conversational Malay class? Nah, she's not that sort. But she sure missed out on a lot! Podcasting our own recordings of malay conversations weas fun! Once we finish our podcast, we get to play for a while...(not very long though, cos by the time we finished our podcast, it was half and hour from dismissal time.) Even though the lesson was over, the teacher couldn't release us too early, so she let us off ten minutes before the actual dismissal time. Next Monday we will get to hear our podcasts and everyone else's. ( We worked in pairs, or in my case threes because Carolyn didn't come so I joined Rachna and Pearline) They kept laughing during the podcast recording...I didn't laugh because(I'm perfect...jkjk) my part is later in the conversation. :D
Dinner was awesome! My parents followed this simple and healthy recipe on TV -pasta with grilled tomatoes and gourmet sausages. The tomatoes were grilled then mixed with the pasta to make the pasta flavourful. The sausages were so juicy! And my mum made fresh buns for breakfast tomorow. I love her home-made buns. They're nice and sweet cos thy're sweet bread buns:D. I love chatting online with friends. Especially with good friends. They cheer you up and make you feel special:) And I like feeling special. Anyway, its back to homework now.....
You know I'm awesome.

I am Taylor♥
I am a 14 year-old, trombone-playing, book-reading, school-going, homework-doing, facebook-ing, candy-loving, fishball-ing teenager♥
I am a student at this magical school with magical people where magical things happen♥
I am full of nonsense and every other synonym of that word♥
I am unique because I am Taylor and that's who I am♥