Stop being such a joke.
I wish you were non-existent.

All we need in the world is love.
Still, we gotta find the right one.
We can sense it, we can feel it.
We can get over the wrong kind of love we've experienced, we just don't deserve it.
We deserve better.
On the other note, can you understand me?
Give me your heart and I will give you yours, we will take care of each others' heart well until we find someone right.
maybe we are meant for each other, but we will never know.
Friday, June 19, 2009 @ 10:43 AM
Okay, so if I finish enough homework today, I can bring
RED ALERT down to the H1N1 level, which is.....???? Never mind, I'll bring it down to YELLOW-ISH ORANGE ALERT. I am so freaking out about the first day of school. I really can't get out of the stay-at-home-and-laze-around mood, or in other words, the holiday mood. This, compared to the homework disease, is a totally pleasent one. Although it causes you to feel ultimate relaxation, it makes you waste time and is terribly hard to recover from. The homework disease although makes you tired and bored, allows you to increase your knowledge and is easily recovered from. But still, its a disease people!!!So anyway, Shan
² promised me something from malaysia and she said she'd give it to me on the first day of school. (hehe, now that everyone knows, you can't get out of it!)Her display picture is waaaayyy cute! Its a pufferfish blowing a trumpet... So yea, life is pretty good at home, despite the fact that I think I'm getting fatter. Thankfully I have swimming classes(what a drag) and once in a blue moon jog at the park. My dad has taken to pretending to be my brother, whining when I wake him up in the morning. This morning I woke him up and he turned his body and hugged the bolster. I told him again to wake up and he said he was "stretching". Typical dad. Well, we're going out for lunch in a while. To the hawker centre. What shall I eat....?
You know I'm awesome.

I am Taylor♥
I am a 14 year-old, trombone-playing, book-reading, school-going, homework-doing, facebook-ing, candy-loving, fishball-ing teenager♥
I am a student at this magical school with magical people where magical things happen♥
I am full of nonsense and every other synonym of that word♥
I am unique because I am Taylor and that's who I am♥